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How much money would you save if an AI could write your item title, description, colors and tags just by looking at a photo of that item?

Try the PropGPT Demo for Free

The Cost of Describing an Item

Let's do some fun math.

Assume the average worker writing the title, description, colors and tags makes $18 / hour or $0.30 / minute.

And assume that it takes an average of 5 minutes to review an item, think up and type a title, description, colors and tags for that item, i.e. 5 minutes / item.

($0.30 / minute) x (5 minutes / item) = $1.50 / item

Your cost per item may be higher or lower depending on the assumptions above, but $1.50 / item seems like a reasonable average.

Now, let's say your prop house has 1,000 items. It would then cost 1,000 x $1.50 = $1,500 for this worker to describe this inventory.

$1,500 / 1,000 items

Do you have 10,000 items? That's easy math: the describing cost will be $15,000.

Hidden Costs of Bad Item Descriptions

In practice, describing prop inventory item is done poorly or sometimes not at all.

Spelling Mistakes

Employees often rush this work and make spelling and gramatical mistakes. We've helped migrate 600,000+ inventory items into Propcart from existing software systems, and we always run spellcheck on the inventory before importing. We might spend as much as an hour per thousand items just fixing spelling errors.

The problem here is that customers are searching for this inventory on your website and (hopefully) spelling their queries correctly. But despite the Propcart search engine's typo-tolerance, if that search keyword is misspelled, that item may not show up in search results, and you lost the sale or rental.

Missing Keywords

What's worse than spelling mistakes is little to no information at all. Without keywords in your title, description, colors and tags, your inventory will not show up in search results on your website for your customers, or for staff trying to look up inventory on the Dashboard.

Management Review Delays

Most prop houses have a review step where new inventory is reviewed by a manager to check for accuracy and spelling and make edits. Or the manager does the description because he or she doesn't trust the staff to do it. But managers are often busy with other things, and so this job falls to the bottom of their priority list. Because of these delays, new items are not discoverable on the website, and sales are lost.

Beautiful Photos, Bad Descriptions

Some prop house owners will invest a lot of time and money into taking nice photos of their inventory because they want to appear professional and charge premium pricing. Certainly, beautiful inventory photos enhance your brand and the perceived value of each item.

But, if customers can't find these items on your website because your inventory descriptions are misspelled, wrong or missing, you're losing money. Customers may assume you don't have the item, or they have to contact your staff for availability. Does your staff have your entire inventory memorized? Can they describe the inventory as well as the prop house owner or manager?

PropGPT has entered the chat

Stop losing sales and leverage artificial intelligence to describe your inventory for you.

Use Propcart's custom AI assistant called PropGPT (Prop Generative Photo Transcriber) to write a title, description, color and tags based on that item's first photo.


Is PropGPT perfect? No.

Does it make mistakes identifying the item? Sometimes.

Does it make spelling mistakes? No.

Does it describe an item better than the average prop house worker? Usually.

Will it use my category schema? We're working on that.

Does it save you time? Definitely.

How does it work?

Enable PropGPT

Enable PropGPT in your Inventory Settings.

Enable PropGPT

This is a global account setting that allows you to use PropGPT in several places.

3 Modes

Select one of PropGPT's three modes: props, artwork and graphics.

3 PropGPT modes

Use when adding new items individually

Toggle on or off the Use PropGPT switch when creating new items. This setting is saved to your device.

Enable PropGPT for new items

After uploading the item photo, PropGPT will immediately analyze the photo and write a title, description, tags and colors.

PropGPT item description main

Click the light blue Generate button to generate a new title, description, colors and tags.

PropGPT item description more

As you can see from the colors and tags, PropGPT is not perfect, but with a little editing, it can save you a lot of time.

Use when adding new items in bulk

To bulk add new items, select the Upload Images option in the Inventory Items menu:

Upload images menu option

Select the "Create one new item for each image" option.

Create one new item for each image

The form expands after selecting:

Bulk upload images

You can select the starting SKU for the first item.

You can also add a title and tags, which will be used to help PropGPT identify the image.

The first three tags will be used for the department, category, and subcategory respectively if they match a corresponding department, category and subcategory in your category schema.

Then click the blue Next button.

In the next modal, you can upload up to 1,000 images to create one new item for each image.

Bulk upload images dropzone

Uplon submitting your images, those images and SKUs will be validated by the server:

Bulk upload images - ready to upload

Click the blue Upload X images button to start the upload.

A bulk image upload progress modal will then appear in the bottom right corner of your screen.

Bulk upload images progress modal

Merge PropGPT descriptions with existing items individually

If you already have a title, description and tags for an existing item, you can use this data and the photo to generate a new title, description, colors and tags using the Merge with PropGPT feature.

  1. Open the Edit Item modal for an existing item.

  2. On the Main tab, click Menu.

  3. Select the Merge with PropGPT option.

Merge with PropGPT menu option
  1. Click the light blue Generate button to generate a new title, description, colors and tags based on the photo and existing data.
Merge with PropGPT modal pre-generate
  1. Review PropGPT's title, description, colors and tags and select if you want to use PropGPT's version, the existing version, combine them, or write your own in the merged input field.
Merge with PropGPT modal post-generate

When finished, click the blue Merge button to save.

Merge PropGPT descriptions with existing items in bulk

This is our most popular option - PropGPT has been used to bulk update over 12,000 items so far.

You already have the items and photos in Propcart, but maybe they're missing a description and tags, spelled incorrectly, or just don't have enough keywords to be discoverable from the search bar or the side filters (e.g. categories, colors, styles, eras, rooms, materials, subjects).

We can help you bulk update all or some of your existing items to help your customers more easily find these items on your website, thereby increasing each item's discoverability and helping you rent more props.

If you're interested in bulk updating your existing inventory with PropGPT, please contact us.

How much does it cost?

Individual Items

PropGPT costs $0.10 USD per request.

Assuming the $1.50 / item cost using humans discussed above, this is a 93% cost savings!

Generally, an item only needs one request. If you're unhappy with the PropGPT description, you can request another, but you'll still be billed for that request.

Bulk Updating

If you want us to bulk update your existing inventory with PropGPT, the cost is $0.20 USD per item.

Why does this cost more? It's more work for us to write the custom script to batch process your inventory.


Like your subscription, your card on file will be charged on the first of the month for the previous month's usage.

Your card on file will not be charged until PropGPT has been requested over 100 times for one or more months. For example, if you use PropGPT 40 times per month, then your card will be charged once for 120 requests ($12.00) after the third month.