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Page Templates

Propcart Pro websites use a "Content Management System" or "CMS" that allows you to create and edit your own web pages. Each web page uses a page template that displays the content.

When to use

Use the CMS to create, edit and delete custom web pages.

Advanced users can use the CMS to create portfolios, project pages, service pages and a blog.

The CMS does not allow you to edit the ecommerce pages like the search results page, set lists, quote requests, or item detail pages. However, minor cosmetic changes can be made to these pages using CSS rules defined in your website's theme.css file. Contact us to make these changes.

How it works

You can access the web page CMS on the Dashboard by going to Settings → Pages tab.

Create a page and Head tab

  1. Create a new page by clicking on the blue New Page button in the top right.

  2. Enter the Page ID, which will be used in creating the URL to the page at{pageId}.

  3. Is Public? determines if the web page will be public the next time you publish your website.

  4. Your website comes with three system pages with fixed page IDs that you can't modify or delete:

  1. Select the Page Template based on the type of page you want to create.

  2. Meta Title is the title of your web page that appears in the browser tab and on Google search results.

  3. Meta Description is the description of your web page that appears below the Meta Title on Google search results.

Content Tab

This area contains a template-specific form that manages the content of the web page.

See the template-specific documentation for details:

Assets Tab

This area allows you to upload images and documents to the server that can used in the content of your web page.

In other words, copy the URLs of the uploaded images and documents and use those URLs to place images and document links in your content.

Advanced Tab

  1. The CSS Classname allows you to add a CSS class to the <div> element wrapping most of the content.

  2. The Style field allows you to add CSS styles in the <head> of the web page.

  3. The External CSS file field allows you to load a CSS stylesheet in the <head> of the web page.

  4. The External JavaScript file for custom layout field that loads a JavaScript <script /> in the <head> of the web page. When this is non-empty, the default web page layout for that template will be omitted and an empty page with only the header and footer will be provided along with a <main id="root" /> element in between. Your script will be responsible for rendering HTML and attaching it to the <main id="root" /> element.

Revisions Tab

Here you can view previous deployed versions or "revisions" of your web page.

Click the Actions button to view a revision, delete it, or roll the website back to this specific page revision.

A rollback only deploys the website with this revision and uses the latest version of all other pages.